Ortho One Hospital
Located on National Highway 67, within the city limits of Coimbatore the challenge was to fit in all the requirements of a world class orthopaedic hospital within a long and triangular plot of 35000 square feet. Detailed plans for Phase I, II & III were completed in all respects before taking up construction of the first phase. The 70 bedded facility with state of the art operating theatres has been designed with complete support services to allow for expansion without affecting the running of the hospital.
The structural design by an eminent structural engineer is unique because of the flat slab system of construction, which allows for maximum utilization of the available height.
Apart from building design & aesthetics, the co-ordination of the various specialized services required in a super- specialty hospital is the greatest challenge while designing hospitals.
The services at the super-specialty hospital on Trichy road include:
Electrical system with back-up power
Plumbing & sanitation system
Water treatment system
Sewage treatment plant
Air-conditioning system
Specialized AC for operation theatres
Exhaust system for CSSD
Fire protection system
Medical gas delivery system
Computer networking system
Closed circuit TV system
Access control system
Public address system
Communication system
Video conferencing system
Lighting system
Cable TV system
Lightning protection system
Rain water harvesting system
Special requirements for Operation Theatres & clean rooms
Requirements of specialized medical equipment
25000 Square Feet
Completed in 2010